Some Resources for Our Visitors
Step By Step Instructions and How To's
Here you will find some Basic Terminology to help our Customers Better Communicate with the Technicians

Image #1: The area outlined in red is called the Desktop.

Image #2: The area outlined in red is called the Taskbar.

Image #3: The areas outlined in red contain Icons , also know as Short Cuts.

Image #4: Google Chrome (Not to be confused with Google the Search Engine), Microsoft Edge and Firefox, among many others, are Web Browsers.
Search Engines are Different from Web Browsers. A search engine can be used in any browser. Examples of Search Engines are Google, Bing, Duck Duck Go and many more.

Image #5: Here we see Images highlighting the Microsoft Edge and Chrome Web Browsers.

Image #6: Here we have Images highlighting the "Home Page"
(not to be confused with the Desktop shown above).
This is the First Page that is displayed when you first Click On or Open Your Web Browser.

Image #7: Here we have Images highlighting the location of the Address Bar in Microsoft Edge and Chrome. This is where the web address (i.e. is typed.

Image #8: Here we have Images highlighting the Search Bar in Microsoft Edge and Chrome. This is where a Search Phrase
(i.e. Computer Repair Near Me) is typed.